Saturday, November 6, 2010

30 for 30 Items!

 1.Delia's (thrifted)/2.Empyre Jeans from Zumiez ($10!)/3.Anchor Blue (thrifted)/4.Forever 21/5.Forever 21/6.Thrifted ($.40!)/7.Forever 21/8.Thrifted ($.40!)/9.Abbey Dawn from Ross ($5!)
 10.No tags? I think thrifted./11.Thrifted ($3!)/12.Forever 21/13.Forever 21/14.No Boundaries..Thrifted ($.20!)/15.Miley Cyrus from Walmart/16.Op/17.Zine from Zumies ($2!)/18.Thrifted ($.20!)
 19.Thrifted ($.40!)/20.Thrifted ($.20!)/21.Norma Kamali ($5!)/22.Mom's Shirt (free! haha)/23.Hollister from second hand shop/24.Faded Glory (really old)/25.George.Thrifted ($.20!)/26.Mossimo.Thrifted ($2!)/27.Thrifted ($.20!)/28.Wanted from Ross ($10!)/29.Dollar General ($8!)
and.. Number 30! Obviously Steve Madden. I found them at Ross for 10 bucks, and decided they would fit in with everything better than the brown moccasins.. I have mostly black in this group of clothes. But expect to see those black boots most of the time. haha. 

And there you have it. I'm ridiculously excited.. and nervous on the inside. I don't think I'm going to have that hard of a time with it, but I just keep thinking "what if". And honestly, I wish I would have had the money to run out and buy some things I feel I need before this started. haha. Oh well. I'll just have to make do. Which is what this is all about, right? I live off of tips, so paying bills on that kind of salary is always a scary and unsure thing, so I've been on a self-imposed shopping hiatus anyway. Another 30 days without it shouldn't be so hard. :)

So.. wish me luck! And I hope you follow along on this mission, and I also hope you go to Kendie Everyday's blog, she's the one who started this whole thing, and there are links to the pages of all the other girls who are joining in. It's going to be an amazing experience, I'm sure. 


S + Y said...

I'm excited to see what you'll come up with!!! I'm doing the challenge too!!! :D


LifestyleBohemia said...

Awesome pieces! I don't think you'll have any problems matching together fun outfits. Cant wait to see them!

archives vintage said...

hello fellow 30 for 30 remixer! good luck, i look forward to following your mixes! :)

liz said...

Good luck! I used to have that striped forever21 top but it burned in my car :( long story lol. So jealous you have a chambray shirt!

Anonymous said...

I just found you via the remixer list on Kendi's blog! I've been reading your blog and love your style so much! :) I'm looking forward to keeping up with your challenge.

I'm a new follower and fellow remixer! :)

<3 Kim

Linz said...

Can't wait to see your outfits! Your blog is cute!

Happy remixing!