Part 1!
Thursdays Jonathan and I have off together. We mostly spend it lazing about all day and maybe going shopping or something like that. Today Jonathan randomly decided we should go to the Ft. Worth Botanic Gardens. And I almost peed myself in excitement. haha. I've lived here aaalmost two years now, and have yet to really experience anything. I've been so busy just working and whatever. Which brings me to my point about why I named this part 1. We already have plans for next Thursday, too! So I was thinking maybe Thursdays could be mini-vacation days where we explore some cool place in Texas. :] I know I'm up for it.. Just gotta see about talking Jonathan into it. hahah.

So anyway, here is the outfit. You knew it was coming. hah. Pretty simple for a day in nature. hah. I don't know why.. maybe because I wore nothing but black all throughout high school, but for the past few years I have refused black in every way I could. Choosing white, grey or brown as my neutrals of choice. But randomly this summer (when you're not even supposed to wear black..) I decided that I really like black and wants lots and lots of it! How backwards is that?? haha. So I picked up this top and these black sandals from Forever 21 when Jonathan took me birthday shopping, and these shoes have almost never left my feet since.
Don't get me wrong, I still love white, grey and brown colored things, but for some reason I just have this black craving. It's so weird. hahah. Anyway.. on to the day!

A couple more outfit shots for ya. We went on the nature trail when first arriving. It was very serene and beautiful. Luckily we spent most of our day in the shade, considering the temperature was like, 97 degrees. I definitely got sweaty, but it was never overwhelming, thankfully.

This is Jonathan. Conquering nature? haha. I don't know. He has the silliest poses for his pictures. :] The best part of the day was definitely the Japanese Gardens. So so so so wonderful. There's toons of water filled with Koi fish. Bigger than I had imagined! And boy, are they hungry. There are quarter machines set up with fish food that you can buy. We plopped down by the water and got to feeding. My absolute favorite part of the day.

We caused a feeding frenzy! Even the ducks came to get their share. Right out of Jonathan's hand!

This guy knew the drill, too. He was right up in my face! haha. They definitely aren't scared of people. They want that food! They would jump around and splash water up onto me. It was pretty awesome.

A perfectly Zen rock garden. :] And of course we took some time out for meditating...

Isn't it all just so beautiful? I love things like this. And except for paying to go through the Japanese Garden part, the rest was free. So we're being thrifty, and having a great time, too! Thank you again Jonathan for the beautiful day together. :) I can't wait for next week to come now! Ahh! haha.
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